Are there issues the community should be aware of?

I have not received any response to any of my complaints for a while now, say about 5 days now, are there issues the community should be aware of?

Seems that the project is full dead o abandonated now.

nah, devs are working hard on delivery.


hahaha, i think not.

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you’re free to leave <3

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Hi @nykterstein what is the issue you are facing? Feel free to share here and send relevant logs to help identify what is going on. As a general note, we’ve recently shipped upgrades to the network to increase its scale and stability

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Yes, and the issue is that my points have not been adding up, only my uptime has been increasing lately. Additionally how do I back up my private may as a .PEM file?

Hi @nykterstein responded to your original post. As a general reminder, the system is in testnet and bugs are to be expected. We are working 24/7 to ship upgrades to the network and improve the usability for everyone. It’s intensely difficult building an Uber-like P2P network and appreciate your support :pray:

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I perfectly understand, i commend the effort and good work.

Also, there is a pending update which is going to be shipped soon which should fix these points related issues. These issues were known and we’ve been heads down cracking it. Updates soon!

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Very well then, we’ll wait patiently.

It’s not, stop fudding and baseless accusation.

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they didnt work… we have been broken for weeks with no answers in sight… i have a thread open for almost a month on this that has never been answered

We have right to FUD.
Network offline for weeks and no any communcation.

No, networks aren’t offline for weeks - you can check the thread here.

No, there’s communication from team on twitter and thread here.

But yes i do agree team need to channels their comma properly and better.

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I do agree with you. Albeit, there are peculiar issues that some users are yet to get answers to, issues raised here on hyperspace forum. But since the team rolls out updates on twitter, I believe issues here will be attended to as well. Let us all keep the fire burning.

I’m sure the team are well aware of our concerns, they just need time. These issues are not just a walk in the park, they need time, all we need to do is to show support and resilience. That’s how a community is built.

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