Exporting Private Key

How do you export private keys from the web in file form? I tried to import it on Windows apps, but I can’t see the option and from the Windows apps either

Hey, in my Linux desktop wallet, there is a key.pem file in the ~/.config/hyperspace folder. If you run macOS or Windows, you should be able to search for the key.pem file on your system. It is an unencrypted private key that can be re-imported into the app again later.

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Same question about exporting.

For macOS, you can find the key in this path to export :

/System/Volumes/Data/Users/{YOURUSERNAME}/Library/Application Support/hyperspace/key.pem

Just copy that file and keep it safe.

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it contains inside import button, just hit import you will be able to export your current key

alright i got it, thanks, a bit different path from windows

so guys, for windows it’s at C:/Users/{your user}/appData/Roaming/hyperspace

I can’t find this file
Direct search for key.pem cannot be found

There is no such folder Library