How to increase tier on Windows app?

My PC has 64GB Ram and an RTX3090 and would like to dedicate more resources into aiOS. How can I change my tier? I am currently at tier 4.


Any luck with doing this?

replying for tracking… i cant even get the app to use my GPU, have 3090ti… and im only processor linked… CUDA wont connect

Are you having issues downloading CUDA? I did at first but figured it out. I’ve heard tiers open up the longer you run but idk. May be able to change everything if running CLI

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NVidia CUDA toolkit has been loaded for a while and works fine… the cuda version of hyperspace never connects to their systems… it will sit for days incrementing the connected timer and never earn points… i flip back to the other version of their app and i can watch the points accumulate while its connected.

its almost like it doesnt have the ability to control the kernel level hardware