Keep Disconnecting WEBSITE and Desktop App Node

WEBSITE Running node keeps disconnecting. But then, if you recconect it connects. Is there anyway, it just runs smoothly connected? Or is there a way that you automatically connect once connected? Im currently running it thru WEB since its more reliable in WEB than the desktop.

Desktop is working fine but its very hard to connect. altho if you connected to it. It doesnt accumulate points.

Windows 11 23h2
32gb RAM
3070ti GPU

Anyone can help?

you are not alone, facing same problem with uptime over 40 hrs and 0 points accumulated

Buggy node i must say.

Can you help me on what model to select and what should be done for my node to run properly cause I even started a new node with new private key still it keeps telling node connection refused.

with this specs, running CUDA desktop node is the best solution.

Hi @nvnn0111 what device are you running? Also, it would be super helpful if you share your system logs to augment your description of the issue you are facing. This helps trace what’s going on. For example, this issue may be that you are running CPU and the points system is currently based on pledged vram. As a general note, you can read more about it here:

I am using Mac and its been some time over 100hrs, initially no points were accumulated and all is a sudden 10.8 points were added and again from then no points were added. Also no I observe new issue like mu node keeps disconnecting and I keep on receiving a prompt at the bottom right corner like
1st prompt : node connected and ready to serve
2nd prompt: failed to allocate
these are the issues I have been facing and I couldn’t figure out what to do.
below are the sc of the issue ,

What is your public key?


also this points I just saw in my account and they show as failure, what does this mean?

anybody seen anything like this?