Points haven't been adding up

My points haven’t been adding up for the past few days, but my uptime keeps updating. My node could be online for a whole day and still wouldn’t get a single point and also, the network stats aren’t displaying. I use the windows desktop app


I have the same problem

I’m the same, I didn’t get any points even though I was online all day🥺

it has been shown pending for a while but today it works fine, points up

This has been issue with mine since the day i started using desktop app node. its more reliable in webb. we dont have any updates regarding with the software or something.

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I have the same problem, I’m using the desktop version, I see the connection but the points and uptime don’t change for 2 days :disappointed_relieved:


You are not alone. Same experience thats why i switched to web.

in web better works?

I don’t think the web is any different. I might be wrong, I switched to the web version but I still haven’t gotten any point, but my uptime is updating.


Past few days webb is not adding up points even desktop. Theres something wrong with the nodes platform both ends. No support team announcement or something. This is why we should have a group or atleast announcements in this forum. No support team is responding, no announcements regarding the nodes. None everything. All community members that are running nodes are just helping each other out. lol is this a real huge funding.

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same problem with me

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Counts only time, version desktop version.

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Mine counts uptime only as well. And also the support has not responded to any of my messages in about the past 5 days, I’m not even sure they’re aware of the issue.


Hi @nykterstein the issues are known, we’ve recently shipped upgrades to the network to improve its scale and stability. If you are facing issues, please include your system logs since that provides better context

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What are tha system logs? …and where do I get them? KIndly put me through.

What is your public key? We can start here


you keep mentioning submit logs… yet no path to where they are located…

hint: its not in users/current user/app data/roaming/hyperspace like the pem key is