I've been running this on cli but not getting any points. The following are my current progress and uptime

Points: 0.00
Multiplier: 0.00
Tier: 0
Uptime: 6
Allocation: 0

Same here, help please

seem you haven’t selected tier, try aios-cli hive connect first.

Hi @user1 can you share your logs? Issues can’t be traced without them

Hello bro, can you explain the allocation vs the points? I have this progress but no points.

Points: 0.00
Multiplier: 1.00
Tier: 5
Uptime: 194
Allocation: 1986422

here is the logs after connect command:

my_username:/$ aios-cli start --connect

Checked for auto-update, already running latest version
[2025-02-06 08:35:43] INFO [aios_kernel::logger] Public Key: 
[2025-02-06 08:35:43] INFO [aios_kernel::logger] Starting RPC Server on [::]:50051...
[2025-02-06 08:35:43] INFO [aios_kernel::logger] gRPC server listening on [::]:50051
Using locally saved keys
[aios-kernel/src/grpc/hive_service.rs:1480:9] "Nectar session: {}" = "Nectar session: {}"
[aios-kernel/src/grpc/hive_service.rs:1480:9] &res.nectar_session = "7R3H4EmXezdCQ7qNM6uEdK55BYkwrSeVXvhgsrjskz7JkMtXxLDccH4KCvu75xzUysXBgSoyuU2hAh3WeG"
Authenticated successfully!